Jun 10Liked by Ana Toledo

Thank you for making the post!!! 💕

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Anna do you think Dr Anna is or has been threatened to not treat me or is purposely eluding me so I can't see her. She's not close but withing a few hours driving time for me like 5-7 hours depending on traffic, but when I first tried to see her, I downloaded all the pre-appointment paper work that's on her site, and then was told to give them a phone number. Although I don't I had to ask my wife's permission to have them call her. Once I gave out her number they said she is not taking in any new patents. I've on her substac tried to get her to answer me directly but she never does is this why or??

But yeah I've had most of these done to me at anyone time. garbage cans tipped over while no one else's is. Heavy evil v2k. loss access to email accounts. One has evidence of me emailing the Sheriffs deputy on one occasion for trying to give him a v2k file I sent him because in it you hear a kid say do it at the same time clearly. So, now I've lost that. I get billed for crap I don't do. I get lots of app things the name escapes me at moment. Letters snail mail telling me I signed up for something I didn't in some other state. threatening phone call messages left on my phone I have saved and recorded for evidence. I had some ass hole the other day and it was through v2k he'd said it. Not into v2k but about the v2k I get. I heard him say crap about volcanoes my v2k says that nonsense all the time. I turned after the next customer was inline moved up, and as I turned both him and the guy behind him who he was talking to had shit eating grins on both faces. looking at me. I finally had enough but was non violent and went to him as said you know gangstalking is a felony. I said if you got paid to say that crap like I heard you say don't do it. whatever they told you about me is false so stop it. He got defensive and said he don't know me etc... I said well I don't know you either but made it clear I knew and to not do it.

pisses me off my pen camera was full so I didn't get to catch it on recording that I know of. I may have I just haven't checked it yet. But yeah thanks Anna this is all good stuff.

it's horrible what they do to people. You mentioned cockroaches we're getting these things in our house too now. I buy the glue traps and they fill up within days and have to buy more all the time. I try all sorts of things but doesn't seem to help so yeah what you say could be them the criminals.

I'm constantly watching my cards and bank accounts have had to stop them several times now to stop ID theft. Yes I get them using power of suggestion in v2k to give me Charley Horses I counter knowing they use the brain stem and other parts of my brain with telling it no and relax and don't do that etc...

I can sing a non nonsensical song that pisses them off in my head like the old Johny Cash song of Folsom prison but I ad my own words like they're going to prions soon and keep time with how the song went not theirs. it helps. OR his other song the lake of fire one.

But yeah great thanks for all this...

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Keep journaling Doug.

The time of reckoning will come, and they will pay for the very last cockroach they infested your house with.

Stay strong and holding on to Christ.

We've got this.

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constantly have roach motels and sticky pads out they work but fill up too soon. Thanks though yeah I keep Amos 6-13 kjv handy and the psalms.

Amos 6-13 KJV to me is about gangstalking and RNM. Chanting mine chants it makes music it takes no thought of Joseph's torment it has anointed itself. etc so yeah it's all about now, our plight etc..

but yeah I record or write in my journal daily. or almost daily.

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Thank you

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Jun 18Liked by Ana Toledo

Lol, I thought that was just life. Thanks.

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I did too. That is not life. That's why it took me over 20 years to realize I was targeted.

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Jun 11Liked by Ana Toledo

Thank you

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Yes I'm a targeted individual and the US military grandios malignant narcissist is using military arsenal from the sky Electromagnetic radiation microwaves that tracks me wherever I go causing health concerns and v2k mental mind control manipulation and gaslighting and exploiting my rights to privacy this has been going on since 2012 and just recently this past October the narcissistic abusive individuals started using the weapons from the sky Electromagnetic radiation microwaves and the cycle of narcissistic abusive tactics has continued throughout the past 13 years and the targeted justice team is in the early stages of putting together 2 lawsuits and their are six hundred thousand US citizens protesting all over the globe targeted life's matter thanks. God-bless.

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We estimate 400,000 victims in America and 6MM around the world that are being tracked, targeted and tortured by our government.

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Yeah I've gotten flat tires several times in one year and still do. I constantly have to watch my tires.

bastards but this was almost 30 years ago shot my tire. I took it to Les-Schwab and they told me they found a .22 slug in my tire. I just last hunting season has a flat tire on the highway way early in the morning and had to turn my rig around and change my tire in the dark but luckily found all my tire stuff easy enough and got it changed. Went back home. Had one ass hole drive so close to me he almost hit me bastard. I need to put out a sign I aint a pedo I am not the one your looking for leave me the hell alone as they keep doing to me like I've got something like that on my record and don't.

I had the neighbor girl when we first moved in tell he daughter right in front of my wife tell her to stay away from me. Lucky my wife knew me and said NO loud enough for her to hear since we were talking.

I wasn't aware of things then but now I look back and that's what they done slander me from all these years till now. I've had people think I'm gay some child molester for no reason, So yeah my wife may scoff but I should put out a big assed sign in our yard and say what i said I am not a child molester I am not gay shut the fuck up and leave me the hell alone you mother fuckers you!

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i think they’re on the final stage with that brain control thing with me. I can feel it. What do I do?

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Fight it.

Do not react to V2K, if you have it. Do not have conversations with those criminals. It's the way they perform the handshake with your brain to carry out utmost control.

Focus on learning, creating , doing productive things they do not want you to.

Do not hand over to them your power to decide, your will.

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thanks i most definitely will not , ive been blasting them all over sosial media our town here in bandera texas , there going to kill me , i allready know that,ive excepted that , but there going to have to work for it ,

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It’s true my dog was run by the car because street was activated and dog run to the street

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I get the favorites crap. Their dogs go all over bite bark and shit everywhere, mine doesn't do half that but may roam to shit like theirs who's dog gets snitched on? Mine. People who used to live in this trailer courts they had junk piled up all the time. I mean you couldn't walk or see their damn doors without metal, wood tools, all sorts of crap I leave a few sacks of cans to build up so I can make more money instead of just one or two I get called on not them.

I've had two dogs murdered by these thugs. My Dog Kizzy came back one day after being let out to do her thing, and she had to have been poisoned the vet gave us some stuff to put into her rectum and if it wasn't poison he said she'd be OK she was dead that night bastards. Our TIny her daughter something similar like they used RNM on her to choke her. Bastards.

fuckers are evil.

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This mentions nothing about people who are mobbed in their workplaces because they are flagged in certain databases.

There's a whole lot of stuff here that is designed to make targeted individuals look crazy. Unfortunate.

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What is unfortunate is that you choose to perpetrate the "crazy" narrative. The actions carried out by the government criminals are methodically planned out to be 'plausibly deniable' and even contained in gangstalking manuals, such as the one you can access here: https://www.targetedjustice.com/gangstalking---training-manual.html

Journaling is your best ally.

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Ana, has anyone experience using Dr Tennant frequency devices - Senergy - tenant institute?

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Before job interviews never go anywhere if possible ask friends to wake you up and bring you, they make loose job per one second. Late battery died setup to police accident.

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Theft of contents of boxed items in your car trunk when leaving car at valet parking. You notice days later, cannot claim loss. Worst thing they activate police station and it becomes systematic roberry

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You friend stop calling they make a call with person at the moment friend busy and they activate him not to pick up the phone. Then use v2k make think he is busy or don’t like you.

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Cought without sign n activated street and signal to througt doctor after 5 check ups find “koklish” bacteria which difficult to detect and than they turn of signal and it’s finished no “koklish”

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Sluggish in bed activation on time maybe 1 mln people like this

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