We need inventors in service to humanity. To return their assaults back unto themselves. That's the only way. Inventers we need you in this service.

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Jun 15Liked by Ana Toledo

Ana, you are a goddess! Thank you for the pertinent information. Can I ask you, what is a massager pen and what specific device do you use?

I picture the evildoers sitting in the Fusion Center and each contractor has what looks like the game Operation in front of them resembling each TI they are assigned to and if they need to punish us they hit the area where we are implanted and our nose's light up!

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You can search online for "electric massage acupuncture pen". I obtained one at CVS called "The Rocket". Important: after using it, remove the battery because the criminals microwave it to overheat it and damage the mechanism. That's how I realized it really bothered them when I use it.

The device that generates de electric field is the Silent Knight, made by www.targetsourcellc.com. It helps me with crying/sleeping bombs and implanted dreams.

Nothing is infallible, but the accumulation of tactics work to hamper their efforts.

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What about magnets? And what kind?

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I have an eye band with pockets for gel packets and place neodymium magnets within it on strategic areas that will cover the areas where I know I have implants. Magnets deflect the MW beam.

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Jun 18Liked by Ana Toledo

Good work Ana…

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is this the device you say you use in the other article Ana? looks promising as long as it's not digital anything digital they hack. We need a counter signal that's non digital that we can aim or point at our cochlea that may help countermeasure their v2k signals but not sure how or what but...

thanks but yeah is this the device you talked about in the other article and promised a link to for the other person who asked? Thanks looking at this thing now.

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is this the device you say you use in the other article Ana? looks promising as long as it's not digital anything digital they hack. We need a counter signal that's non digital that we can aim or point at our cochlea that may help countermeasure their v2k signals but not sure how or what but...

thanks but yeah is this the device you talked about in the other article and promised a link to for the other person who asked? Thanks looking at this thing now.

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Jun 17Liked by Ana Toledo

Thank you so much Ana!

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Thank you very much. I ordered one! If it works for me I will buy another for someone.

I have an extra police cam, if you know of someone who needs one. I will be happy to send it.

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I don’t know about you but I for one am tired of these reigndeer games

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Remove funny bone ….

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Jun 18Liked by Ana Toledo

Thank you for the much needed levity!

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Great tips! Thanks! Good article, too.

Brandon Iglesias posted some frequencies which can be countered with a Rife machine. I copied these into my Spooky2 and ran them with a pulsed square wave. I could notice a differnce. Worth trying!


The Spooky2 has a TENS facility but also a remote unit which produces or works with scalar. I wonder if Richard would be interested in looking into this. Bandon contends that the only way to beat this astrocity is using scalar energy.

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Thanks Ana! Once again you bring enlightened knowledge and encouragement to my soul. Everything you mentioned in this article has happened to me and more. My favorite song they play for me is "Why do I feel like somebody's always watching me?"

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They are. lol

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Jun 15Liked by Ana Toledo

Yes, it's uber-creepy if you look at it from that perspective, which I have when I was uber-teched & the song mysteriously came on the radio; however, a little reverse psychology makes it uber-cool again. Why would you give them the benefit of the doubt when you can just as easily give it to yourself? They are the criminals with something to hide, not you.

Besides, I think Sting ripped it off from Leo Sayer:


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I had not even thought about the creepiness of the song if it was not for the fact that every time I walked in to the kitchen, the song started playing. Coincidence? Maybe. But I think we know better.

I derive utmost pleasure by corrupting the data they illegally harvest from me.

Those research institutions should start backing off their collusion with the criminal program. The Truth will soon be known.

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Jun 15Liked by Ana Toledo

Honestly, I don't think it is a coincidence anymore than it was with me. Who controls the media? Do they use music in psychological operations? I believe they do. I've seen it happen too many times to believe it's coincidence. But coincidence or not, as long as you protect your mind from their attacks at all times, it's pretty much pointless.

One good psyop deserves another; I consider it a personal challenge that I accept.

To the truth being unveiled soon.

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Angel Ana, once a sheriff tried to help me with a device. For everyone's info, the perpetrators have devices that neutralize the destructive technology. This sheriff came to my house. The device emitted a green forcefield that filled the whole atmosphere. Even though we were sitting at a distance, it gave off such a calming and peaceful radiation, that it quieted the emotional body. Also, one sheriff, showed me that with a push of a button on their flashlight, they can create a mist, that repels what is directed. I don't know if that was to impress me and brag? But it all worked. They have these devices for themselves.

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Wow! Was it battery-operated? It must have created an electric field that 'confuses' the tracking signal necessary to track and torture us.

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Yes. It was battery operated. And he also gave me something that looked like a "bullet". He said if I operate the device at home, I can walk with that " bullet- like" accessory anywhere in town and I will be protected.

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What kind of device .. and are all

Sheriff’s aware of this technology 🤷‍♀️.

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Jun 16Liked by Ana Toledo

Knowledge is power! Thanks, Ana!

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Jun 15Liked by Ana Toledo

Ana is the greatest !! Thank you

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Thank-you Mike! You all keep me going!

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Someone has to invent a device that tasers perpetrators when they hack individuals, that teaches them a lesson they never forget

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You have your own built in your body. You just need to learn how to work it .. your Chi / energy.. look up Psienergy on Odyssey or Telegram.. they have classes on how to protect yourself..

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They went to Canada to tackle problems https://www.facebook.com/share/zZKeTkU5LV5mmnTV/?mibextid=LQQJ4d

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I don’t understand

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& eventually.. use it as a weapon .. like tai chi .. & other ancient fighting forms that use our own energy..

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What if you have a spinal implant … but had the battery removed & the spinal wires left in … are the wires alone now able to receive without the battery 🤷‍♀️…. Thanks in advance 🙏

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