

You may not have the kinds of implants they placed in me -- I just share my experience because I am certain they are doing the sleepwalking trick on many. Just close things in a way that if you or anyone opens them, you will notice.

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Jul 3Liked by Ana Toledo

They can use bioweapons and certain frequencies to put you in a hypnotic state. That’s what they did with the Manchurian candidates.

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It's not true that they are not using eye chips. They still are. Mine was added to 3 years ago remotely because the first one was probably "too small". They enlarged it or added to it. You are right.

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This is VERY helpful, especially for things like hiding keys ; etc. or placing a camera although if I place a camera they WILL send someone in to retrieve it or erase the content. I don’t even bother anymore. I still use a real time dash cam for safety but that’s all.

The security clearance concept makes SO much sense.

I have noticed that there are certain activities that require advanced knowledge of my plans to implement which clearly suggest RNM and involve professional criminals ; then other more mundane activities where they rely on the “ B” team (as I like to refer to the local low hanging fruit or thugs) and I have wondered how they didn’t know ahead of time what I was doing .

Those local activities I can often disrupt if i want to play with them a bit ; by altering my routine, not texting about my plans or speaking them out loud. That can sometimes be entertaining to watch them trip over each other trying to catch up with me ; but they are most often not worth the effort.

Thank you for this helpful insight!

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You are welcome.

Never announce where you are going. Not even to yourself speaking out loud (because the long-distance criminals will try). Assume your house is bugged everywhere and do not bother trying to find the bugs — they are too small and too many. It’s not worth the time and the destruction that it entails.

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I live in my van which is def bugged ; most conversations I have are in my moms house which is def bugged as well and she has had many criminal entries that rearrange her things but she thinks she is just forgetful bc she is 89. We found a coffee pot in the basement on a back shelf she can’t even reach.

When this first started I tore my house apart looking for the hidden mics and cameras ….. I did that after I was trying on clothes before I went out; only for a passerby to tell me he liked the blue dress I had tried on better …. So absolutely disgusting that this is so invasive and diminishing to our personhood and violates even our most vulnerable moments…

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I hear you. I would grab a hammer and make holes in all my walls. Then I read Targeted Justice's web page and it went away.

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Your funny. I am glad to hear that I'm not the only one who plays with them every now and then just to break up the drudgery.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Author

I wasn't playing...I was trying to keep them out.

I have heard some really funny stories of people making them chase their tail, some of which I cannot publish here :)

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My comment went in the wrong spot Anna. I'm still learning how to use Substack. I made an account just to keep up with you and TJ! ❤️

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We will stop them

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Jul 1Liked by Ana Toledo

I had wondered how things disappeared and reappeared when I hadn’t gone anywhere. Thanks I will do something to secure my door. They have tried to take over my life! God is good and my protector.

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We are still here, overcoming military-grade weaponry and government-funded PsyOps thanks to the Glory of God. No weapon shall prosper against us.

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Jul 2Liked by Ana Toledo

We have a big issue with things disappearing like very important documents. One time one of those docs we took with us to go three hours away to visit friends. I saw the docs before exiting the car to enter said friends house. The docs disappeared overnight from my mom’s purse. The docs miraculously re appeared at our home 3 hours away few weeks later but the docs were out of order as if someone mishandled them.

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Sal de ahí! A nuestra isla se la llevó el diablo!

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Just got here half a year ago. Not gonna lie. These roaches have made life very difficult here. But one thing though, the ones that sign on to do this harassment are not too bright, are very easily manipulated and think they got a great deal doing this gig. They’re gonna have a very rude awakening.

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Jul 1Liked by Ana Toledo

Thank you, Ana! This just changed my life. 😀

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I am so glad it made a difference.

Do not let your guard down. You've got this!

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Jul 1Liked by Ana Toledo

Thank you Ana for providing this small comment platform. I suspected what you described and this confirms what they do.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Ana Toledo

That’s very helpful. Some unexplainable things happening here so this helps. My new car just bought about a month ago (used but in pristine condition up to today June 30 2024) was vandalized last night. Since taking many videos and posting them on we are the lab rats on Instagram they have upped everything they do. Tbh, I don’t feel safe. They attempt to throw their cars at me head on and today was one driving next to me. I moved to Puerto Rico seven months ago and it’s been getting worse weekly. I don’t even go out anymore not even to the beach. But I’m staying positive but can not do it alone. It’s too much.

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Also know that the weapons manufacturer, Lockheed Skunkworks has mastered teleportation to some degree. Whistle blowers have come forward.

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Ana, it’s terrifying what you had to endure. It’s becoming so advanced that they can see you with military grade equipment like lidar right into your room and see what ever you’re doing. A lawyer in SF told me that and I observed it on the Skinwalker Ranch Documentary. I believe that wetware can multiple in your body with biosensors and start to feel and see things you are feeling and seeing. I think we can inhale these nano bots in, drink or eat them and they will vibrate and activate to various frequencies. The government actually has a document as to how to handle a zombie apocalypse.

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I know it is. I try not to watch much or dwell on their [almost] limitless capabilities, because I would not be able to even smile., let alone fight them because it would seem impossible to beat them.

What I am certain of is that God has our back, and has shielded us from great atrocities because he wants us here.

Thank-you for your support.

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You can use a much simpler solution: motion activated cameras and or motion activated alarms, to wake you up. A free motion activated activated camera is Alfred Camera available for

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I really miss my son .Tony was my heart. But God's justice will prevail. It's a promise

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Thank you so much Ana. I live in Seguin Texas.

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My mattress was specially ordered by my ex, which I know they have brained washed. It's been detected that there is a device in it. I feel pokes in my spine, neck and shoulders in the middle of the night. The house I live in is wired like crazy. My husband divorced me and I know they murdered my son. Which they say was a accidental shooting. I need someone to talk to that understands me. Is there a number.

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Write to TJustice2@proton.me

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Thank you Ana I live in Seguin Texas

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I have been illegally arrested 3 times.

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They made my husband divorce me.

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Seguin is a bought

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They won't

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Wow Ana, I had no idea and this is awful!

What I do know though is our govt, which I assume is dhs but can be all of them and I have very good reasons to know it’s our govt and documented why, when they break, in they aren’t breaking in for no reason. I have absolutely found they spray a chemical to cause us to do things for them if they want this to happen. They spray a chemical to cause us to be sick or in pain or brain fogged. But, they have to use RF or Ionization or Electromagnetic energy of some kind to make it work. It might even turn into a gas. I need you all to understand this as they also spray foods/drinks and utensils, pots and pans, your car, which can be deadly as they can cause you to fall asleep or control you, they can spray your deck or patio, etc. All they need is to blast you once you are in or near the area sprayed and it will cause you many different issues depending on what they want.

How do I know this, I’ve been experimenting with them for the past 2 years. They might be experimenting with us, but I can play their bitch ass game as well.

Hope this helps,


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wow how horrible sorry Ana but thanks for this.

I don't Have that at least not so much but I do know I woke up twice to our door window broken and had to tape the glass pieces back together and hold up the sliding window with a stick and now they can't without me knowing. Not sure anyone snuck in any of those times or just broke the window, but I do kind of remember hearing the dogs bark but slept through it all so??? But these were just before v2k came back hitting me but nothing was taken nor moved so??? I own many guns two are loaded in my room so they may not have just did it to scare me? Don't bother with the anti gun crap if you break in and I know it you get shot! So yeah no I don't think anyone came in just broke the window to scare me. If i am implanted I already was long before 2020 since that's when v2k came back. They would of done it back in the 80s or 90s since my first round of v2k came in 1999-2000.

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