Jul 7Liked by Ana Toledo

Thank you Ana Toledo for putting yourself out there for us!

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7Liked by Ana Toledo

Thank you for the most excellent & thorough interpretation of what the demise of Chevron Rule means to targeting. I hope that you & Dr. Ber will be discussing this in a "Targeted Justice v. Garland" podcast in the near future as well.

I would like to also point out that the US Constitution is the highest law in the land & without the inclusion of the Bill of Rights, it would not have been ratified. The Bill of Rights are integral to the highest law in the land & anything that violates the Bill of Rights is unconstitutional & therefore, illegal; whether the government wants to acknowledge that fact or not.

As you stated in your Brighteon University presentation, many of that acts perpetrated against Targeted Individuals are in direct violation of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [RICO] laws. As was pointed out in the TJ newsletter the other day, the Nuremberg Trials made it clear that “following orders” was no defense from criminal prosecution for war crimes.

I suggest anyone taking an active participation in these human rights violations familiarize themselves with the RICO laws because more than one of them carries a possible death sentence & before this is all over, may find themselves facing very grim criminal legal consequences on a very personal level.

Targeted Individual Law Violations.pdf


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yeah and I want to pull the lever too. but yeah, but the main problem is the Supreme courts been watering down the Bill of rights and it's original meaning for 100's of years now.

all gun control is unconstitutional and it's not just my opinion it's a fact if you look at what they founders did say. I want to see death sentences carried out giving how many of us they've killed yes yes sir pull the trigger or lever no mercy no pity.

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Thank you for continuing the fight, this torture and abuse will end !

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Thank you for this article. This is a victory for the Constitution.

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I am very encouraged by the obliteration of the Chevron Rule. The Courts can no longer say: here is what the executive agency says, and we accept that to be true. So, FBI, go to town, we got your back.

NO. Courts have an "undelegable obligation" to interpret the law, not to just accept to interpretation provided by the agency so they can act any way it suits them. The House of Cards is crumbling in front of our very eyes.

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TY Ana, I was just mentioning this to some TI pals...and planning an ss on it...and Sean from SGT Report mentioned it too today.

I'd love to be more optimistic, especially about what it could mean for us, but in a fallen nation that is now lawless and post-constitutional...well...I guess we take our "perceived"victories where we can...? And hope for honest judges?

Great post...will share it - and I can keep prepping for the weather weapon... the hurricane coming to a backyard in Houston...

Loved your interview with Westall...and much gratitude for all that you do...truly heroic!

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I hear you on the hurricane. What are the chances that the first hurricane of the season hits TJ's headquarters and so many of its members.

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I forwarded your article to Future of Freedom Foundation. He published your article. As you know he was twice a Libertarian Presidential candidate.

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Please send me link! Thank-you!

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Hi. He forwarded it. Your article link is under "regulation". Thank you 😇💞

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A Texas militia man warned no one should go to Fema fusion centers. He warned the feds were not rescuing Texans. But blockaded every point for escape by those displaced by the hurricane. And they intended to disarm the Texans who were helping others. And he refused to be disarmed

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Yikes...chances are...and they would take out a whole city to destroy and obscure one target...and we know how much they love to punish us in TX as is - and they can get soooo specific. Unnerving being in killboxes...and "being" a killbox "yourself"...how we stay sane at all is beyond me...

I have something very interesting to run by you one day. An angle and a connection that TJ may not have ever considered. If you're ever close by in Northwest Houston, maybe we could leave our phones in the car and have lunch one day?

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Oh heck now I'd hope not take out the FBI's offices and perps but not TI"s. AMEN and AMEN! or better yet take out a HAARP or two while at it but none I know of are in Texas.

Alaska, Rhode Island, area 51, your country Puerto Rico, and other places all over the world. Take those out most of the issues with the weather and those that hear the hum that's what they are hearing would cease...

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h yeah hey been hearing about that be safe.

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Jul 7Liked by Ana Toledo

“Arbitrary and capricious”! Wow. 😀

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Thank you 😊. I hope we will get more attorneys interested in TIs cases and get the Justice we deserve.

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The best news I heard in a long time. But for the few brave we are free. Thank you lady liberty.

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Thank you Ana for sharing your expertise with us. You are amazing!

Us targets share a lot in common--contact with a 'connected 'person(s), abuse of FISA, abuse of TSDB, abuse of fusion centers, Infragard, Neighborhood Watch. Nextdoor apps, community stalking, street theater, isolation, sabotage, smearing, slander/libel, home break-ins and trauma based human experimentation-- yet each of our situations arise somewhat differently as we all live different lives.

Throughout the years that I have been a victim of targeting, I received(d) hints about how they legally justified this atrocious 'program.' I am wondering, as you are a lawyer, what you think of The Third Party Doctrine and its role in allowing them to steal and share our brain data, i.e. RNM. Also, if one's targeting started online, how the doxxing of a person's information is part of the Privacy Policy of a website?

How we are communicated with, as targets, is utterly ridiculous and imperfect, but it's all we have.

That is why your communication with us about The Chevron Doctrine is so important. By the secrecy of the program, which is under the guise of national security, we cannot challenge anything about what has been done to us. In my case, it seems to also be hidden behind something to do with journalistic sources, if that makes any sense. These may pertain to other targets as well.

Sorry to take so much of your time, and my hope is these things might be helpful to others as well.

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Thank-you Carolyn.

Do not let them -- Anyone that justifies this program is as much a psychopath as anyone perpetrating the torture.

Little by little, we will uncover their illegalities. The light will take care of the rest.

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Thank you, Ana <3, <3

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yes absolutely nothing hidden will stays hidden scripture says so So yes!

Those that chant and sing and make music and eat the lambs and calves outstretched IE remotely will go to prison and or death sentences.

Amen and AMEN!

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YES!!!! 🤘❤️

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Jul 7Liked by Ana Toledo

Brilliant Ana and Thank you! We're getting closer!

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Amen! Thanks Ana!

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Keep fighting the good fight.. Thank you so much God, for answering prayers. Thank you as well Anna, for all your doing for all of Us.

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Jul 8Liked by Ana Toledo

The state is that great fiction by which everyone tries to live at the expense of everyone else.

—Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850).

If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not WANT TO HEAR.

—George Orwell

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8Liked by Ana Toledo

Gracias Ana ! Eres la luz para l@s condenad@s

a esta ilegalidad,

l@s atacad@s con energías dirigidas muy dañinas

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