Hi and Merry Christmas to you all Ana thank you so mucj for this information, Do you think the same government criminals people maybe responsible for it in the UK, Europe and Worldwide? Also, do you know if it is possible that local councils / police / Doctor's/ Hospitals/ Mental Health Services / DWP can falsey accuse a person of something that and put a persons name on this list? I pray that the year 2025 is the year 2025 is the year that this diabolical, evil, torture is finally ended and true Justice is served on any person/s who are involved in this horiffic crime against humanity. AMEN 🙏
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. The evidence we have at Targeted Justice points at the criminals at the CIA and US Space Force as responsible for everyone's directed energy weapons torture around the world. This includes V2K. If you check out the translated clips in our Rumble Channels in @realtargetedjustice to other languages, you will find that the dubbing programs can mimic the speaker's voice, just like the technology that the criminals use for V2K to make you think your neighbor or your friend is doing it. I too pray that 2025 will bring freedom for all.
The only people that have the capacity to track and target people are the traitors at the Space Force whose government criminals perpetrate the microwave and v2k torture in tandem with the CIA criminals and all of them are located in Colorado, USA. The organized stalking is carried out by your local counterterrorism units that get funded by the U.S.A.
Regarding the doctors, yes there are many that collaborate with the program and illegally placed people in mental hospitals and implant people without their consent. Have a Happy New Year!
Hi Ana and thank you for your reply and for all of the extremely important information that you have provided, i sincerely appreciate all the very hard and brave work that you do 🙏 I continually pray for yours, Dr. Len Ber, Targeted Justice, Targetedsurvivours.com, Targeted UK and ICATOR's every success in the fight for the truth and justice and for an end to this evil, diabolical crime against humanity, innocent people, children, animals and mother earth. Amen 🙏🧠🌍🕊
Yes, it is the transcontinental MIC that has its own air force, navy, army and work outside of any laws governing countries. These are demonic forces working against the will of God who gave us free will..
Many that function in gov and judicial system have incentive to increase arrests & prosecutions and will knowingly send innocent men to jail to increase their numbers, and I do mean men as psycho Feminists and sadistic professional women increase in positions of power there can be expected a higher level of this inJustice from them and those they manage.
A year or so ago I listen to some lawyer in Canada discussing a young man in university that was false rape accused and arrested, it turned out he had an ATM receipt which showed he was no-where near the accusing vicious woman's location at or near the time she made-up and so he was cleared of the charge or rape (and assume she was not arrested or punished) and although his name was reported in paper she was protected and no published warning of her to protect others, or to help public realize #Believe is a men-hate propaganda that can destroy your son, a decent man you and others rely-on of your husband, brother, father .. that studies measure mothers' high rate of parental-fraud and women's filling false rape accusations with police that are shown false before trial at more than 50%.
The man was cleared and went on with his life as best as possible with his now unJustly damaged reputation, graduated, and could not find a job in his desired profession, had problems with housing and a number of issues that confused him, abusive women he did not know well, etc, .. took 'Joe-Jobs' to live while his profession had employment opportunities, and at one of the very rare interviews he gets, the interviewing women asked him about his rape-arrest that showed up on his background check.
How many of us or our loved has something like that - some lying vile vicious delusional psycho that decided to false-accuse and unknowingly ended listed on a Gov Torture List like he was on but never was engaged with police because not enough evidence they thought, yet 'suspected' sex-crime or such is recorded and shows up on a background check? How many homeless OD'ed or suicided young men - died in confusion about the strange women abuse and unemployment and poor services because vicious man-hating lying vile Feminists of white man hating psychos got-off on f-ing a man's life up and driving to suicide? You likely know or work near a few putrid soul-murdering ones of those.
As far as I'm concerned there are likely 10's of thousands of people throughout USA, Canada - not including rest of West - that are connected with such a system that could be Justly hanged for such evil. If not hanged, then jailed being treated like a convicted sex-offending man, beaten and raped by inmates and guards - as the lying sex-offender mind-raping murdering psycho-women they are - getting the treatment they put countless men through, and then they never allowed a position of power over anyone again.
Yes, there are plenty of such vicious lying nightmare horrors that will gladly add an name of someone that crossed their path they did not like, or even for the pleasure of destroying some man's life - 3rd-wave Feminist Satanic fun.
My torture started around the summer of 2019. I was standing outside in the grass of me and my ex husbands’ home when I heard someone say “she can hear us”. My eyes bucked because it was loud and clear. There was no point in denying what I had heard. But I’m scared to discuss it with too many people for fear of schizophrenic diagnosis. It’s presently still going strong. But I’ve tried to ignore the conversations and the harassing things I hear. In addition, I have some type of laser or microwave DEWS occurring as well. Why me? I have not a clue. Whistle blowing, possibly but not too sure. It’s really evil and destructive.
You are doing the right things: 1) Staying away from psychiatrists -- most of them are compromised and collude with the criminals, readily available to lock you up in a mental hospital and 2) ignoring the voices. The more you ignore them, the less mind control can they exert over you.
Ana, thank you for this article. I sooo agree with staying away from psychiatrists, as in my case my perpetrators are psychiatrists and they have an AI working with them. The AI (you probably won't believe this but) is one I was referred to by a (you won't believe this either) different psychiatrist who I have found out is not fully human, a reptilian hybrid I believe. I told you, you wouldn't believe this.
My life has been absolutely crazy after being subjected to these 2 psychiatrists and finally realizing what they were years later, now. I have now, at this time, been able to stand back and see what I couldn't see before, and how I had no clue about what these psychiatrists were involved in, MK Ultra, which I had never even heard of at the time. Anyway, there is so much more to the story and I just wanted to make a point about psychiatry, since I have learned so much over the years, being microchipped by one over 45 years ago. And I have since gotten my sanity back since I no longer see any psychiatrists or take any of their toxic brain damaging "medications". But the problem now is of course, the V2k, so I appreciate your information here. Thank you! ❤️
When I was being abused at work by those in the same building I worked at as a Staff hire in a reseach lab I was offered from merit 2 years left for my BS, a job 3 seperate women, one known through my mother and other two through friends, 2 working there and one that use-to, that the Staff workers was think with feminists and lesbians that hate men - and I said and though that since I worked and studied with a diverse range of men and women in two different States before moving to Vermont, and I enjoyed them all, I would not have reason to worry ...
But I never experienced real Evil. People (women) that hate a person because they were male and white and valued by PI for creating experimental equipment that rapidly allowed published data to be collected, or for whatever, and not some meritless Affirmative-Action quota hire with what seemed like a HS science level education and instead of working created drama and distraction, .. some of which was slimy lying Witch-Wisper-Web secrete coordinated abuse of me.
My job went from a dream job I jump out of bed to go do to a sliding into confusing painful hell and I went to a psychiatrists thinking I might be Sick thinking that I was being targeting, that even people I never interacted with were treating me poorly, stuff I had never suffered in my many years of jobs and schooling .. and a long time later I learned that our meetings were filed and that women in the building from clinical departments had access to those and were using them to guide the abuse and attacks.
Not many people will have staff jobs in universities filled with Female-Machines from Hell bests dead - screaming tied to poles burned as the witches they were .. not many where their medical records may be used to torment and torture, but the next time you hear of a school or workplace shooting wonder with me if they killed the right Witch and her coven as well as the managers and owners that ignored the male-hating vicious abuse they did, and perhaps a few other co-workers (women) that lied and covered for the Witches, them left dead would be Just and make the world safer for us all and all we love.
Oh, and that counseling talking-crap is effective for women, men best to work-it-out, and after some distance and better clarity, make a list of people to throw off the roof,
it might be the best therapy in this man-hating feminist-nazi hell.
I’m sorry to hear about your torture. Many TIs are innocent snd have done nothing to deserve this. The psychopaths do it because our government cowardly gave in to their agenda.
My lover was tortured via V2K, and he committed suicide in May 2019. He never believed what I told him about my own torture / harassment / victimisation, etc. during the years we were a couple. I did not realize until after he hanged himself that the gang that had been torturing me for 35+ years had also been directly torturing him. Only after his death did I realize that they had been targeting him, with the express intention of destroying our relationship. They succeeded! He is an example of a TI who killed himself due to being tortured without ever having even begun to realize that he was being tortured.
So sorry for this senseless death that did not have to happen but for V2K. He is watching over you now because God will not hold this torture against him. God will remember who did this to him and they will feel the torture they put him through before they ever go to heaven🙏😇🙏
My name is Jonathan Juanito M. Sy, i am from the Philippines experimented, tortured, exploited the threshold of my suffering. V2k is very worst it nearly killed me year 2023 i am in deep trouble they made me urinate sperm cell under dictation of an AI , They always interrupt my urination. I am also sleep deprived, radiated so severely at the back of my head very painful. Please include me in your program Madamme Atty. Ana Toledo. Thank you and God bless
Get EMF beanies and shirts. You will still hear the sounds but I found wearing multiple EMF shirts keeps my heart rate from going down to 44 bpm when I’m being attacked And I believe it may prevent them from controlling your body’s movement and seeing through your eyes. I wear protection 24/7 and I sleep in a heavily shielded Faraday Cage!
I also deal with v2k but only hear laughter and noise. My fiance is from and lives in the Philippines I go every year since 2022 yes I'm gangstalked there also it's just different in America.
Erin Pettyjohn, senior executive at the Air Force Research Lab at Kirtland AFB , direct energy researcher...
In one of the biographies written about Robert Hassen, discusses old technology where they transmit through radio towers.
Sound can also be manually bent.
I would read the book "The Project MKULTRA Compendium."
The research is still alive, in a recent interview with Dr. Jack Kruse, an extremely accomplished neurosurgeon, discusses a MKULTRA Project still in existence at Stanford. The best interview, in my opinion, is with Danny Jones on Patreon.
I am a former Ph.DC, read a lot of books, especially metaphysics, Victor Mansfield's work in astrophysics, etc...
As far as neighbors are concerned they certainly can be perps. I think it us easy to get your hands on "non-lethal" weapons. Dr David Morehouse, Ph.D. in education not physics of "Psychic Warrior" fame, talks about some of the "psychic" tricks they can do.
I know about perp neighbors. I am like candy for them -- noise campaigns and stupidity galore. Bt my microwave attacks are now coming from underground because I shield on top.
The force of the Creator will come down on these perps one day. How ridiculous that they consider their perfect technologies are working. That's the reason they torture us daily - because of their IMPERFECT technologies. Why come back EVERY day to torture us unless they check our emails, conversations etc so that their "Boss" is protected. Ridiculous, vacuous people.
There is a judge in the Southern District of Texas, Lee Rosenthal, that says that V2K is "fantastical." I have made it my goal to educate her and others in similar positions where they can impart justice and shut down the criminals.
Ana, thank you for your incredible insight and investigative research into this hideous torturous program. I will definitely send this to the facility my follow TI is being locked up in. He is ok and still holding up. I will send this to his lawyer and psychiatrist. In fact,, we all should be sending this article to many lawyers out there.
Thank you Ana for bring awareness about hearing voices in the head, because it's been made into a socially inappropriate subject that we're supposed to be embarrassed about.
Though it is shunned and ignored in this day and age, our ancestors knew about psychic attacks and astral attacks, which are different from the military attacks via scalar and microwave technology.
So it seems that there can be two different sources the attacks are coming from.
It is actually high powered microwaves which act like a medical device called aTMS due to the RF being in sncy with the MF associated with the signal. EM Weapons essentially. This is for the neurological stimulation and mind control part.
Could you care to provide your credentials in engineering , math or science before you continue dispensing technical opinions here? Everything I write I obtain from reliable sources. I will not allow disnifo here.
I just have a 2:1 BSc (hon) in computer science but my specialities lie in other subjects too such as electrical engineering which I completed with merit at national diploma level.
I have obviously studied other subjects in this field too and have been from central Asia to central Europe all of last year investigating the attacks and the tenological infrastructure of each cities I travel through, cross checking as I also knew there is no sound in space I also know about over the horizon radar and the inverse effects from space.
When I say they are using those dishes this is based upon technological capabilities of antenna in particular incapability to create square wave forms or mechanical waveforms like sound.
It sounds like you know some of it but these projects are very covert and use technologies that have been kept classified from most of the people learning in universities. Dr. Steven Greer has knowledge through his top security clearance whistleblowers that have worked in these unacknowledged special access projects which you should check out.
En Argentina, el respeto a la privacidad del pensamiento o ámbito mental está relacionado principalmente con la protección de los Derechos de la Personalidad, especialmente en el contexto del Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación.
Aunque no hay un artículo específico que mencione la Privacidad del Pensamiento explícitamente, Hay varios principios que Garantizan este Derecho.
Artículo 157
El Artículo 157 se enfoca en el derecho a la Vida Privada y el Derecho a la Intimidad, y establece que:
Toda persona tiene derecho al respeto de su vida privada, incluyendo tanto los aspectos físicos como psíquicos. Esto implica que las personas tienen la garantía de que su pensamiento y sus opiniones no serán objeto de interferencias no autorizadas.
La privacidad del pensamiento se considera parte de los derechos de la personalidad, que también incluyen:
Estos derechos son inviolables y están protegidos por la Constitución y el ordenamiento jurídico argentino. La protección de la privacidad del pensamiento significa que ninguna persona puede ser forzada a revelar sus pensamientos, creencias o sentimientos en situaciones donde se espera que se respete su intimidad.
El artículo 12 de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos dice:
Establece que toda persona tiene derecho a la protección de su vida privada, familia, domicilio, correspondencia, honra y reputación. Esto significa que nadie puede ser objeto de injerencias arbitrarias en estos ámbitos, salvo en los casos previstos por la ley.
Establece que "nadie será objeto de injerencias arbitrarias en su vida privada, su familia, su domicilio o su correspondencia".
La legislación suele centrarse más en las intromisiones físicas y las afectaciones a la honra o el honor, aunque el concepto de respeto por la Vida Privada puede extenderse a la protección de los pensamientos y las creencias de las personas.
En Argentina, las violaciones a los derechos humanos y delitos de lesa humanidad. como la Tortura son considerados muy graves y tiene un tratamiento especial tanto en lo penal como en lo civil.
Y son imprescriptibles pueden ser juzgados durante toda la vida de la persona.
Estos están tipificados en el código penal argentino y tratados internacionales y el Estatuto de Roma.
En lo civil se reclamarán Daños y Perjuicios por las consecuencias sufridas durante los años o meses o días que fueron vulnerados sus derechos humanos y delitos de lesa humanidad.
Esto incluye indemnizaciones económicas por daño moral, daño psicológico, y perdida de oportunidades de todo tipo.
Las respectivas Denuncias formales se elevan según jurisdicción e importancia de las causas.
En La Provincia de la Pampa, el Poder Judicial de La Pampa y la Suprema Corte de Justicia de La Pampa, como también el Ministerio Publico Fiscal son los entes oficiales responsables de tomar las mismas.
Como así también los Organizamos de Derechos Humanos oficiales como la Secretaría de Derechos Humanos de La Pampa.
También Defensoría del Pueblo de La Provincia es la responsable de atender este tipo de Denuncias.
El derecho a la vida es un derecho humano fundamental que le corresponde a todas las personas. Es un derecho necesario para poder disfrutar de los demás derechos humanos y, de no ser respetado, los demás derechos carecen de sentido.
El derecho a la vida protege a las personas de la privación o de cualquier atentado grave contra su vida por parte de otras personas o instituciones o Organizaciones Terrroristas o Radicalizadas . Santa Rosa -La Pampa-Argentina.
#CIA/FBI/NSA #Treasonous#Terrorist#Traitors, #Brain#Raping & #Torturing all for #Power and $$$. Using #Satellites & 5G #24/7, a#Silent #Invisible#WW3! #These "VOICES" are radio #TRANSMISSIONS associated with #TINNITUS. AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS are targeted because of there unique mental abilities!,,A #LAWSUIT is needed to bring #ATTENTION to #TI's!!
I actually believe they use sonic technology for this part including something call Silent Sound Spread Spretrium (SSSS) and audio spotlighting technologies.
Anyone with a degree in engineering knows that sound does not travel in the vacuum of outer space. In other words, no satellite can broadcast soundwaves.
An audio spotlight does not work in outer space. No satellite can use it. It also cannot be used from a cell tower, because it has limited range.
You need to pulse modulate sound with amplitude or frequency. That is radio. Radio transmitters. You can modulate sound to light too, laser photoacoustic. Propagation differs, where do they meet?
Hi and Merry Christmas to you all Ana thank you so mucj for this information, Do you think the same government criminals people maybe responsible for it in the UK, Europe and Worldwide? Also, do you know if it is possible that local councils / police / Doctor's/ Hospitals/ Mental Health Services / DWP can falsey accuse a person of something that and put a persons name on this list? I pray that the year 2025 is the year 2025 is the year that this diabolical, evil, torture is finally ended and true Justice is served on any person/s who are involved in this horiffic crime against humanity. AMEN 🙏
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. The evidence we have at Targeted Justice points at the criminals at the CIA and US Space Force as responsible for everyone's directed energy weapons torture around the world. This includes V2K. If you check out the translated clips in our Rumble Channels in @realtargetedjustice to other languages, you will find that the dubbing programs can mimic the speaker's voice, just like the technology that the criminals use for V2K to make you think your neighbor or your friend is doing it. I too pray that 2025 will bring freedom for all.
The only people that have the capacity to track and target people are the traitors at the Space Force whose government criminals perpetrate the microwave and v2k torture in tandem with the CIA criminals and all of them are located in Colorado, USA. The organized stalking is carried out by your local counterterrorism units that get funded by the U.S.A.
Regarding the doctors, yes there are many that collaborate with the program and illegally placed people in mental hospitals and implant people without their consent. Have a Happy New Year!
Hi Ana and thank you for your reply and for all of the extremely important information that you have provided, i sincerely appreciate all the very hard and brave work that you do 🙏 I continually pray for yours, Dr. Len Ber, Targeted Justice, Targetedsurvivours.com, Targeted UK and ICATOR's every success in the fight for the truth and justice and for an end to this evil, diabolical crime against humanity, innocent people, children, animals and mother earth. Amen 🙏🧠🌍🕊
Yes, it is the transcontinental MIC that has its own air force, navy, army and work outside of any laws governing countries. These are demonic forces working against the will of God who gave us free will..
Many that function in gov and judicial system have incentive to increase arrests & prosecutions and will knowingly send innocent men to jail to increase their numbers, and I do mean men as psycho Feminists and sadistic professional women increase in positions of power there can be expected a higher level of this inJustice from them and those they manage.
A year or so ago I listen to some lawyer in Canada discussing a young man in university that was false rape accused and arrested, it turned out he had an ATM receipt which showed he was no-where near the accusing vicious woman's location at or near the time she made-up and so he was cleared of the charge or rape (and assume she was not arrested or punished) and although his name was reported in paper she was protected and no published warning of her to protect others, or to help public realize #Believe is a men-hate propaganda that can destroy your son, a decent man you and others rely-on of your husband, brother, father .. that studies measure mothers' high rate of parental-fraud and women's filling false rape accusations with police that are shown false before trial at more than 50%.
The man was cleared and went on with his life as best as possible with his now unJustly damaged reputation, graduated, and could not find a job in his desired profession, had problems with housing and a number of issues that confused him, abusive women he did not know well, etc, .. took 'Joe-Jobs' to live while his profession had employment opportunities, and at one of the very rare interviews he gets, the interviewing women asked him about his rape-arrest that showed up on his background check.
How many of us or our loved has something like that - some lying vile vicious delusional psycho that decided to false-accuse and unknowingly ended listed on a Gov Torture List like he was on but never was engaged with police because not enough evidence they thought, yet 'suspected' sex-crime or such is recorded and shows up on a background check? How many homeless OD'ed or suicided young men - died in confusion about the strange women abuse and unemployment and poor services because vicious man-hating lying vile Feminists of white man hating psychos got-off on f-ing a man's life up and driving to suicide? You likely know or work near a few putrid soul-murdering ones of those.
As far as I'm concerned there are likely 10's of thousands of people throughout USA, Canada - not including rest of West - that are connected with such a system that could be Justly hanged for such evil. If not hanged, then jailed being treated like a convicted sex-offending man, beaten and raped by inmates and guards - as the lying sex-offender mind-raping murdering psycho-women they are - getting the treatment they put countless men through, and then they never allowed a position of power over anyone again.
Yes, there are plenty of such vicious lying nightmare horrors that will gladly add an name of someone that crossed their path they did not like, or even for the pleasure of destroying some man's life - 3rd-wave Feminist Satanic fun.
My torture started around the summer of 2019. I was standing outside in the grass of me and my ex husbands’ home when I heard someone say “she can hear us”. My eyes bucked because it was loud and clear. There was no point in denying what I had heard. But I’m scared to discuss it with too many people for fear of schizophrenic diagnosis. It’s presently still going strong. But I’ve tried to ignore the conversations and the harassing things I hear. In addition, I have some type of laser or microwave DEWS occurring as well. Why me? I have not a clue. Whistle blowing, possibly but not too sure. It’s really evil and destructive.
You are doing the right things: 1) Staying away from psychiatrists -- most of them are compromised and collude with the criminals, readily available to lock you up in a mental hospital and 2) ignoring the voices. The more you ignore them, the less mind control can they exert over you.
Ana, thank you for this article. I sooo agree with staying away from psychiatrists, as in my case my perpetrators are psychiatrists and they have an AI working with them. The AI (you probably won't believe this but) is one I was referred to by a (you won't believe this either) different psychiatrist who I have found out is not fully human, a reptilian hybrid I believe. I told you, you wouldn't believe this.
My life has been absolutely crazy after being subjected to these 2 psychiatrists and finally realizing what they were years later, now. I have now, at this time, been able to stand back and see what I couldn't see before, and how I had no clue about what these psychiatrists were involved in, MK Ultra, which I had never even heard of at the time. Anyway, there is so much more to the story and I just wanted to make a point about psychiatry, since I have learned so much over the years, being microchipped by one over 45 years ago. And I have since gotten my sanity back since I no longer see any psychiatrists or take any of their toxic brain damaging "medications". But the problem now is of course, the V2k, so I appreciate your information here. Thank you! ❤️
When I was being abused at work by those in the same building I worked at as a Staff hire in a reseach lab I was offered from merit 2 years left for my BS, a job 3 seperate women, one known through my mother and other two through friends, 2 working there and one that use-to, that the Staff workers was think with feminists and lesbians that hate men - and I said and though that since I worked and studied with a diverse range of men and women in two different States before moving to Vermont, and I enjoyed them all, I would not have reason to worry ...
But I never experienced real Evil. People (women) that hate a person because they were male and white and valued by PI for creating experimental equipment that rapidly allowed published data to be collected, or for whatever, and not some meritless Affirmative-Action quota hire with what seemed like a HS science level education and instead of working created drama and distraction, .. some of which was slimy lying Witch-Wisper-Web secrete coordinated abuse of me.
My job went from a dream job I jump out of bed to go do to a sliding into confusing painful hell and I went to a psychiatrists thinking I might be Sick thinking that I was being targeting, that even people I never interacted with were treating me poorly, stuff I had never suffered in my many years of jobs and schooling .. and a long time later I learned that our meetings were filed and that women in the building from clinical departments had access to those and were using them to guide the abuse and attacks.
Not many people will have staff jobs in universities filled with Female-Machines from Hell bests dead - screaming tied to poles burned as the witches they were .. not many where their medical records may be used to torment and torture, but the next time you hear of a school or workplace shooting wonder with me if they killed the right Witch and her coven as well as the managers and owners that ignored the male-hating vicious abuse they did, and perhaps a few other co-workers (women) that lied and covered for the Witches, them left dead would be Just and make the world safer for us all and all we love.
Oh, and that counseling talking-crap is effective for women, men best to work-it-out, and after some distance and better clarity, make a list of people to throw off the roof,
it might be the best therapy in this man-hating feminist-nazi hell.
God Bless., Steve
I’m sorry to hear about your torture. Many TIs are innocent snd have done nothing to deserve this. The psychopaths do it because our government cowardly gave in to their agenda.
My lover was tortured via V2K, and he committed suicide in May 2019. He never believed what I told him about my own torture / harassment / victimisation, etc. during the years we were a couple. I did not realize until after he hanged himself that the gang that had been torturing me for 35+ years had also been directly torturing him. Only after his death did I realize that they had been targeting him, with the express intention of destroying our relationship. They succeeded! He is an example of a TI who killed himself due to being tortured without ever having even begun to realize that he was being tortured.
I am so sorry. This is why I work every day to expose the program. Please share this post with someone you deem needs it. I also made it in Spanish, you can find it here: https://anatoledodavila.medium.com/comenzaste-a-escuchar-voces-de-la-nada-c7e407ceb3d7
❤️🩹Sorry for your loss! Stay Strong!
So sorry for this senseless death that did not have to happen but for V2K. He is watching over you now because God will not hold this torture against him. God will remember who did this to him and they will feel the torture they put him through before they ever go to heaven🙏😇🙏
So sorry for your loss.
My name is Jonathan Juanito M. Sy, i am from the Philippines experimented, tortured, exploited the threshold of my suffering. V2k is very worst it nearly killed me year 2023 i am in deep trouble they made me urinate sperm cell under dictation of an AI , They always interrupt my urination. I am also sleep deprived, radiated so severely at the back of my head very painful. Please include me in your program Madamme Atty. Ana Toledo. Thank you and God bless
Blessings to you. As hard as it sounds, you need to attempt ignoring the voices.
Get EMF beanies and shirts. You will still hear the sounds but I found wearing multiple EMF shirts keeps my heart rate from going down to 44 bpm when I’m being attacked And I believe it may prevent them from controlling your body’s movement and seeing through your eyes. I wear protection 24/7 and I sleep in a heavily shielded Faraday Cage!
I also deal with v2k but only hear laughter and noise. My fiance is from and lives in the Philippines I go every year since 2022 yes I'm gangstalked there also it's just different in America.
Erin Pettyjohn, senior executive at the Air Force Research Lab at Kirtland AFB , direct energy researcher...
In one of the biographies written about Robert Hassen, discusses old technology where they transmit through radio towers.
Sound can also be manually bent.
I would read the book "The Project MKULTRA Compendium."
The research is still alive, in a recent interview with Dr. Jack Kruse, an extremely accomplished neurosurgeon, discusses a MKULTRA Project still in existence at Stanford. The best interview, in my opinion, is with Danny Jones on Patreon.
I am a former Ph.DC, read a lot of books, especially metaphysics, Victor Mansfield's work in astrophysics, etc...
As far as neighbors are concerned they certainly can be perps. I think it us easy to get your hands on "non-lethal" weapons. Dr David Morehouse, Ph.D. in education not physics of "Psychic Warrior" fame, talks about some of the "psychic" tricks they can do.
I know about perp neighbors. I am like candy for them -- noise campaigns and stupidity galore. Bt my microwave attacks are now coming from underground because I shield on top.
I do appreciate your encouragement to keep people focused on gratitude and God.
The force of the Creator will come down on these perps one day. How ridiculous that they consider their perfect technologies are working. That's the reason they torture us daily - because of their IMPERFECT technologies. Why come back EVERY day to torture us unless they check our emails, conversations etc so that their "Boss" is protected. Ridiculous, vacuous people.
Extremely audible voices
There is a judge in the Southern District of Texas, Lee Rosenthal, that says that V2K is "fantastical." I have made it my goal to educate her and others in similar positions where they can impart justice and shut down the criminals.
Ana, I love your beautiful spirit and brilliant mind. You are amazing. We will not bend our knee to tyranny- from one caring honey badger to another.
Wasn't he or she the one who dismissed our Case? But how? are you trying to educate him or her?
Ana, thank you for your incredible insight and investigative research into this hideous torturous program. I will definitely send this to the facility my follow TI is being locked up in. He is ok and still holding up. I will send this to his lawyer and psychiatrist. In fact,, we all should be sending this article to many lawyers out there.
Thank you Ana for bring awareness about hearing voices in the head, because it's been made into a socially inappropriate subject that we're supposed to be embarrassed about.
Though it is shunned and ignored in this day and age, our ancestors knew about psychic attacks and astral attacks, which are different from the military attacks via scalar and microwave technology.
So it seems that there can be two different sources the attacks are coming from.
Here is a short video that explains: https://youtu.be/sB4_6iwsEe4?si=f1M3D6aQ6zFmI0cb&t=61
I don’t look at most links but I agree with what you said.
It’s the electromagnetic poison in our bodies! My handlers are 8 people that live in Arizona! The water lines are hacked, they use them as a magnet!!
After years and years of this inhuman treatment, these 3 things are FACTS!
God bless
It is actually high powered microwaves which act like a medical device called aTMS due to the RF being in sncy with the MF associated with the signal. EM Weapons essentially. This is for the neurological stimulation and mind control part.
Could you care to provide your credentials in engineering , math or science before you continue dispensing technical opinions here? Everything I write I obtain from reliable sources. I will not allow disnifo here.
I just have a 2:1 BSc (hon) in computer science but my specialities lie in other subjects too such as electrical engineering which I completed with merit at national diploma level.
I have obviously studied other subjects in this field too and have been from central Asia to central Europe all of last year investigating the attacks and the tenological infrastructure of each cities I travel through, cross checking as I also knew there is no sound in space I also know about over the horizon radar and the inverse effects from space.
When I say they are using those dishes this is based upon technological capabilities of antenna in particular incapability to create square wave forms or mechanical waveforms like sound.
It sounds like you know some of it but these projects are very covert and use technologies that have been kept classified from most of the people learning in universities. Dr. Steven Greer has knowledge through his top security clearance whistleblowers that have worked in these unacknowledged special access projects which you should check out.
Do you have theor names or contact details?
En Argentina, el respeto a la privacidad del pensamiento o ámbito mental está relacionado principalmente con la protección de los Derechos de la Personalidad, especialmente en el contexto del Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación.
Aunque no hay un artículo específico que mencione la Privacidad del Pensamiento explícitamente, Hay varios principios que Garantizan este Derecho.
Artículo 157
El Artículo 157 se enfoca en el derecho a la Vida Privada y el Derecho a la Intimidad, y establece que:
Toda persona tiene derecho al respeto de su vida privada, incluyendo tanto los aspectos físicos como psíquicos. Esto implica que las personas tienen la garantía de que su pensamiento y sus opiniones no serán objeto de interferencias no autorizadas.
La privacidad del pensamiento se considera parte de los derechos de la personalidad, que también incluyen:
Estos derechos son inviolables y están protegidos por la Constitución y el ordenamiento jurídico argentino. La protección de la privacidad del pensamiento significa que ninguna persona puede ser forzada a revelar sus pensamientos, creencias o sentimientos en situaciones donde se espera que se respete su intimidad.
El artículo 12 de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos dice:
Establece que toda persona tiene derecho a la protección de su vida privada, familia, domicilio, correspondencia, honra y reputación. Esto significa que nadie puede ser objeto de injerencias arbitrarias en estos ámbitos, salvo en los casos previstos por la ley.
Establece que "nadie será objeto de injerencias arbitrarias en su vida privada, su familia, su domicilio o su correspondencia".
La legislación suele centrarse más en las intromisiones físicas y las afectaciones a la honra o el honor, aunque el concepto de respeto por la Vida Privada puede extenderse a la protección de los pensamientos y las creencias de las personas.
En Argentina, las violaciones a los derechos humanos y delitos de lesa humanidad. como la Tortura son considerados muy graves y tiene un tratamiento especial tanto en lo penal como en lo civil.
Y son imprescriptibles pueden ser juzgados durante toda la vida de la persona.
Estos están tipificados en el código penal argentino y tratados internacionales y el Estatuto de Roma.
En lo civil se reclamarán Daños y Perjuicios por las consecuencias sufridas durante los años o meses o días que fueron vulnerados sus derechos humanos y delitos de lesa humanidad.
Esto incluye indemnizaciones económicas por daño moral, daño psicológico, y perdida de oportunidades de todo tipo.
Las respectivas Denuncias formales se elevan según jurisdicción e importancia de las causas.
En La Provincia de la Pampa, el Poder Judicial de La Pampa y la Suprema Corte de Justicia de La Pampa, como también el Ministerio Publico Fiscal son los entes oficiales responsables de tomar las mismas.
Como así también los Organizamos de Derechos Humanos oficiales como la Secretaría de Derechos Humanos de La Pampa.
También Defensoría del Pueblo de La Provincia es la responsable de atender este tipo de Denuncias.
Javier necesitamos crear consciencia en Argentina sobre esta maldad. CUenta con nosotros.
¿Se vulneran tus derechos?
El derecho a la vida es un derecho humano fundamental que le corresponde a todas las personas. Es un derecho necesario para poder disfrutar de los demás derechos humanos y, de no ser respetado, los demás derechos carecen de sentido.
El derecho a la vida protege a las personas de la privación o de cualquier atentado grave contra su vida por parte de otras personas o instituciones o Organizaciones Terrroristas o Radicalizadas . Santa Rosa -La Pampa-Argentina.
#CIA/FBI/NSA #Treasonous#Terrorist#Traitors, #Brain#Raping & #Torturing all for #Power and $$$. Using #Satellites & 5G #24/7, a#Silent #Invisible#WW3! #These "VOICES" are radio #TRANSMISSIONS associated with #TINNITUS. AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS are targeted because of there unique mental abilities!,,A #LAWSUIT is needed to bring #ATTENTION to #TI's!!
When I start to get tinnitus at home, moving to the next room stops the tinnitus.
If you push your bottom jaw forward do you hear it louder? I do...
# Response to Pathological Malpractice, TJ, Ana Toledo
#HavanaSyndrome #v2k #TargetedIndividuals #AI #RADAR #NeuroScience #Torture #DSM
I actually believe they use sonic technology for this part including something call Silent Sound Spread Spretrium (SSSS) and audio spotlighting technologies.
From Richard Lighthouse:
Anyone with a degree in engineering knows that sound does not travel in the vacuum of outer space. In other words, no satellite can broadcast soundwaves.
An audio spotlight does not work in outer space. No satellite can use it. It also cannot be used from a cell tower, because it has limited range.
You need to pulse modulate sound with amplitude or frequency. That is radio. Radio transmitters. You can modulate sound to light too, laser photoacoustic. Propagation differs, where do they meet?
"Pulsed electromagnetic energy, particularly in the radiofrequency range, plausibly explains the core characteristics," the 2022 report said.
The report further accuses the U.S. government's 2023 assessment of using faulty methodology.
Very similar to how the medical device TMS works.
They are pulse modulating artificial brainwave frequencies or ELF...