Sep 3Liked by Ana Toledo

Grazie per l'immenso lavoro. Per condividere i video in paesi fuori dagli USA bisognerebbe poter inserire la traduzione automatica che solo you tube consente... Potete metterli anche lì? Ci sarebbe una maggiore condivisione... Grazie ancora.

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Sep 3Liked by Ana Toledo

General Treason is likely pretty angry today.

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Sep 3Liked by Ana Toledo

Awesome ! wonder if the man who did the video could do a documentary ? ... may need help to get it into movie theater ? ..may be make a plan ahead of time ...?

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Sep 9Liked by Ana Toledo

Touche' Ana.

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Thank you for everything you do and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide and protect you. Sending prayers. 🫂

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Sep 4Liked by Ana Toledo

Thank you Ana. I’m sharing your Substacks on my Gab channel @GAlberto

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Thank-you Alberto!

That precisely what we need to wake this nation up.

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Sep 4Liked by Ana Toledo

Honestly, I can't thank you folks enough.

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Sep 4·edited Sep 4Author

It comes from the heart.

We really do not have a choice.

Freedom from torture is not negotiable.

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I was first targeted in Colorado in 2002. In 2013, a job became available in Colorado Springs so I moved there just to see what would happen. I already had indication the military was involved & it seemed like the most logical place for it to be emanating from. Although I had heard plenty of targeting horror stories in the area by then, I was never stalked or targeted with neuroweapons for the 3 & a half years I was there. The only incident I ever noticed there was someone driving by in a car. I could tell by the look on their face that they knew who I was & that they were baffled as to why I came there - just researching government corruption on a need to know basis.

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Sep 6Liked by Ana Toledo

you are a Hero surviving 22 y under fire !

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Sep 3Liked by Ana Toledo

Excellent work, Targeted Justice! Ana, please tell me who are the Colorado Legislators, their names and titles for their districts, that met with Richard, Len, and Sally, and received the TJ flyers. And please let us know how they responded when they were informed about the flyers and about the Targeted Justice Action 2024 Rally in Colorado Springs. Is the office of the Colorado Legislature located in Denver?

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Yes, it is in Denver. I am not privy to the information as I had to stay behind getting other things done.

Give Len some time...it was a tough week.

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Not with me...for now.

The registry I made was to verify targeted individuals' names in the TSDB. I will reopoen when we get back to the USDC.

You can join Todd Callender's registry once he opens it.

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We need to have one of these in every state to show how many of us ARE targeted…..state by state! Organized so we could attend nearby states and support them too!

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This activity entailed exhaustive planning, organization and resources to make it a success. I urge you to set the precedent and start organizing one in your state, so that others follow.

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Come to Tri cities Washington if you can sometime for one of these rallies.

it's only 50-60 Miles from me so I could come if you do thanks.

Hey Uh Ana are you guys going to be giving away any more of those Knight things like you'd told about a few weeks ago or a month?

I'd love one if you do I can't afford the $399.00 and shipping but I might be able to handle the shopping?

Thanks for all you do though.

Loved watching what I could and the dinner meeting thing was great. Thanks to all you!

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may be coordinated ? all at the same time ? or one after another ?

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What would you think could be more effective?

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Gerald Celente .. a freedom rally in Kingston NY .. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a18AQxNPERY was wondering if NewYorkers TIs may be interested in participating ?

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Sep 10·edited Sep 14

Dear Ana - what happens next ? when may we be hearing back... weeks? months?

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thank you

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Ana.. a friend of mine a TI in another coucntry asked me how to rejister for the lawsuit... i sent her a link and then clicked on it myself and it gave an error message.... i assume it is interference? can one still rejister ?

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