Just a side note. An assistant police chief in Tennessee was ready to take all the evidence he and his crew uncovered about the international child trafficking ring conducted by our government, including organ harvesting, with evidence and countless documents implicating members of congress and the FBI and members of other nations. He spoke to many attorney generals and members of congress about this horrendous crime against the innocent. TBI promptly went after him and his crew and confiscated all lot of the evidence and called it a conspiracy theory snd him a nut.. Check it out on Redacted.”. They would be awesome allies to Targeted Justice.

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True. Excellent allies. I saw that. We need the assistant Police Chief's name and support his efforts. They targeted him too.

I bet those records that were stolen proving crimes are not the only copy.

Today's criminals not very smart.

I pray that more proof comes out across this nation and across the earth in Jesus Christ's name, amen.

The Targeting of Individuals and what the assistant Police Chief reported are related crimes. It's all found in Trafficking. Same government agencies involved in the cover up. Watch and pray . More and more of organized crime is going to continue to be exposed. Thank you Jesus Christ. 😊

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Yeah from evidence I have cops all over help sex traffic kids and us. One good Cop tried something and got fucked over for it. TBI? do you mean FBI?

But yeah that goes with my experiance since I had a bout with v2k a year or two before 9/11 what I hear is Radio waves sound waves used in some way to only have me hear it. What I went through yesterday was so loud even outside it sounds like a concert but a long way off but still to me so fricking loud. My videos I place on YouTube kind of show they multiple attack us. Cochlea, inner ear and auditory nerves. how do you rattle the inner ear bones without invading the inner ear?to answer before someone says no YES they use sound to attack our or mine at least inner ear and bones and makes it harder to meditate it away since you can or should be able to. I mean our brain has to interpret first how is it I hear it exaclty like they want and can't seem beyond being able to have held my mind from repeating thier shit escape from it? Our minds are powerful we can or should be able to meditate on things like the areas that our brain interprets shit. like the middle of our brain does sound all around certain parts do music and drums and stuff so why can't I meditate long enough telling my brain to not interpret this shit without them hitting my inner ear too??? Yes even then we still interpret but with just hitting the cochlea it would be a lot easier to meditate and tell our brains to block a lot of that shit... I've tried for month and they ramp up the attacks when I do so they must know not sure how but they do... It's like they hit me here they hit me there all over when I do... I've even just tried to concentrate on one thing and one thing only and they are still able to distract me...

they must know meditation would help or let us escape a lot of it or they wouldn't do that I think??? But yeah how else without hitting my inner ear would they be able to rattle my inner ear bones? they've done that to me several times awake and asleep. What I mean by rattle is this.... They hit my bones in the inner ear and they make them vibrate to an extreme with sound or something... Then I hear it as them rattling... Like if you rattle drum sticks or hit them together and do that a lot that's what mean by rattle.

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TBI is the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.

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Lookout fa Charly on YouTube has answers.

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yeah I subscribe to him watch most of what he shows so yeah

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video link Marlena thanks yeah don't doubt our Govt sex traffics us and kids and would kill to hide it...

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Sorry Doug, I’m still working and getting hit really hard at times so I respond on days when the attacks are less intense. Thank you for your responses and thoughts. I appreciate all you are doing to stop this. Keep the fight on. God bless you.

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is redacted on Rumble or do they have a YouTube thing too?

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Redacted is a podcast ion You Tube. Excellent with evidence, whistleblowers, facts- top notch. Husband and wife team were anchors that left major news media because of the lying bullshit.

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Ana, you deserve a medal of honor for protecting our veterans and US citizens, and all innocent people from these insane criminal torture programs being carried out by the treacherous festering maggots in our government❤️🇺🇸🙏😇🙏

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Thank-you Marlena!

am doing my best, even if it does not seem to be enough

Our joint efforts will shut down these criminals.

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Yes it will. I know it.

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much Love and THANK YOU! as someone posted: You are My strength! THANK YOU

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Hi, Ana. You can also find outstanding information on YouTube under podcast ‘Redacted’ (Husband and wife team left major corrupt news media to speak truth to power). They interview people with insider knowledge and have said basically the same thing. NORAD instructed the military pilots to do a holding pattern with their F18s and F16s when they could have been there, at the scene of the crime, within 8 minutes. All the people in charge of what to do were missing in action (the Laurel and Hardy routine again for no accountability). Creepy traitor Bush was reading a story to children with a smirk on his face when he was told the planes hit the tower and just kept on reading. What a joke. Many agencies were complicit in this travesty. We heard a news reporter say building 7 fell before it actually did. Also see the actual videos and demolition charges going off in an earlier video about 9/11 on ‘Redacted’. We really need a deep top security clearance black ops project team that can go in and arrest these criminals for treason. They sold our country to China. Traitors. Also this is all part of Full Disclosure that congress needs to agree to.

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Sep 12Liked by Ana Toledo

...I have been a subscriber to the Redacted YouTube channel for a few years now too. I agree they do an amazing job exposing the evil actors on the world scene. They even have had Witney Webb, from Unlimited Hangout, on a few times. Witney's ability to dig deep and do research is genius.

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Yes for sure. Whitney is brilliant and very very knowledgeable!

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Sep 11Liked by Ana Toledo

Thank you, for all of this info. I take my hat off to you my dear lady! Brovo! These gov. criminals have got to go! Pieces of crap!!!! Don't get me started! Really! Cheers Ana!

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It's obv Ious this was a plan against targeted individuals drawn up to torcher the citizens of the United States ,and doing the terror attacks against its country, the evil behind this needs to be brought to the light and almighty God take judgment against these evils.

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Sep 12Liked by Ana Toledo

Dick Cheney is demon spawn. I don't even think that he is human. If a person looks in the Dictionary for the definition of the words demon spawn they will simply find the name Dick Cheney. The things that he did to Cathy Obrian, that are written in her bookTrance Formation of America, are without a doubt Satanic. He used Cathy for Human Hunting also called The Most Dangerous Game. She said that of all of the people that tortured and raped her Dick Cheney was the most evil and the most violent of all of them. In a way the Targeting Program is Human Hunting and the Most Dangerous Game. Thank you Ana for your endless courage, strength and diligent persistence to end this holocaust of the Targeting Program.

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Sep 12Liked by Ana Toledo

Thank you Ana

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Rest in peace Uncle Freddy Sheffield, fire chief Nj, passed away 9/11 tower 2

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Russian and German nuclear physicists call 9/11 a nuclear event. This doesn’t mean other factors were not employed. Most certainly there was thermite explosives used. But only one event known to man can cause a steel beam falling through the air into dust.

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uh yeah 9/11 was let to happen or organized to happen...

My dad died the very next day after the planes hit those buildings. He had a stroke about a week or so before this happened. He was actually doing good and was told he may go home in a few days but i turned on his TV while visiting him on 9/11 and not sure if that pushed him back to being bad or what but he died the very next day.

I'd woke up early that morning to go hunting I was archery Hunting it was a hot day where I was and odd I ran into fire crews but it was a planned burn I think and told to leave. I did but I'd came up a different road and not knowing it was still burning and it was that far over too but a cop stopped me and told me to not come back up at all or I'd get a ticked so I left and went home... As soon as I got home mom told me what happened and turned on TV I was like wow... So yeah went to the hospital later to see dad and turned on the TV and like I said the very next day he died. 9/11 9/12 are two very bad days for me. I'd had a girlfriend at that time too and until I told her she didn't know...

I knew not long after this time people were never and freedom was going to turn to tyranny not long after and it has... I've been pulled over while hunting several times and being told by the cops I was driving irradically which I was not and not many houses around so how'd anyone know if I was?

but it's been so bad one can't at least me drive on the back roads without people watching you do so. I'm like hey it's hunting season people do drive the back roads even when it's not. so leave me alone damnit. But yeah attitudes changed. We've gotten to be such a snitch culture but instead of the ones who are doing wrong they're snitching off innocent people. I had one day out Elk Hunting the last day on feel free to hunt I had just gotten my gun rights back in 2012 this was 2013 or so... OR it may have been 2012 still for it was that summer I'd gotten them back and had planed on using my guns again for deer and elk hunting... I'd went down this gully early that morning to see if an Elk would cross my path or not and sat and watched and glassed for a few hours and nothing so began to walk back to the pick up. As I came close to the clearing and a bit of a rise I saw a game wardens truck sitting there and some other evil woman in a pickup a head of game wardens pick up and sitting there watching.

I at first since they didn't see me began to go back down into the canyon and make my hunt a bit longer, As I was watching I saw the Game warden look into my rig and what looked like search me or something which if so would be a violation of the 4th amendment. But I did start to go back down since I sensed something up and saw that other pickup with a woman in it sitting there. and did go about 20-50 yards or so but then Im like WTF I didn't not anything wrong and have my gun rights back so... I even carry the paper work showing it just for that reason.

I've never in all the years hunting had a game warden disarm me like he did was a punk kid too,...

I mean you unload it in front of them and set it down on the hood or inside and that's it but this idiot had me give it to him I was like mad but....??? I then told him hey I have this paper work too so gave that to him too. I think that woman knowing me or about me thinking I was a child molester which I am not because I won my case when I was falsely accused of that long before this and didn't read the paper when that part came out... I mean I was acquitted in a Dec. of some year and had to fight like hell to get the paper to tell that part of it. Bastards sure did very quickly show the accusation but the acquittal I had to pull teeth to get them to print that bastards. So I figure this bitch sorry but yeah.

knew about that and me from the paper and my pickup so thought I was some kind of outlaw and criminal out there doing something bad which I wasn't. She sat there the whole time watching all what went on. But so yeah I gave the warden that papers I kept and smoked a cigarette while he checked what he had to and then gave me my gun back. I think she was pissed as I passed her after this encounter. You could tell she couldn't believe the game warden gave me my gun back and let me go...

But I wasn't breaking no law it was Elk hunting so yeah no... But yeah since 9/11 and since before because of that false accusation I've had to live that shit down many of times felt people following me. Had not long after the acquittal my tire shot at. Because as I took it to Les Schwab to be fixed after it went flat they told me they found a .22 slug in it. Everyone loves to hear the accusations but don't bother to hear the acquittal... Sons of bitches... About the time I think I've lived that accusation down since 10-15-20 years now almost 30 years been past No they still think I done that and still follow you around like douche bags again sorry but that's me I speak and call it as it is not one for games... but yeah it's gotten worse after 9/11 and shit...

Evil people scared of their own shadows are a ganstalkers wet dream. People like that gangstalkers know they can manipulate and lie to them telling whatever they want them to hear and they believe it.

That's what makes me think the cops hated losing to me and had to make sure I ended up in jail for something but not as much as they wanted it. Because I was able to get my gun rights back.

cops never did get them neither. I kept them in Hawk for 12 years just paying off the refinance charges every 90 days. Had the pawn shop guy I had them tell me they after each time questioned him what I was doing and he'd tell them. So yeah cops didn't get them they wont neither I'd bury them first before that... they ever begin door to door crap they won't get them I've even have friends who said they'd take them for the time until they left... My guns are mine I either paid for them on my own or got some of them from my dad. He told me to never sell them. I don't plan to.

But yeah sorry for the side shows 9/11 screwed us up!

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I found on USA today that said yes plane parts were found and video footage of it are available.

Not saying this is false just saying there is things out there that will say that statement is false so??

Any how yeah I'd think yes they'd lie to cover up that there weren't or not...

Dick Cheney ran America more than Bush... But yes it was an inside Job or allowed to happen if not.

I don't understand why people wont or don't admit our Govt is not beyond killing us to do their things... not the peoples things but the Govts things is what I mean...

how does one justify, or answer how v2k was done before 2004?

I was hit in 1999-2000. I went to jail in 2000 because of v2k pre 9/11. Still I think under Clinton even if he was a lame Duck at that time sine his term was done... But I got hit hit in late February of 1999 and in June of 2000 was in jail. My answer is Cops with Radios and knowledge were doing it they didn't have fusion centers back then None of it was me it was technology so don't say it wasn't it was tech...

I got attacked and began to hear voices and it was like odd train noises or a clack clack clack sound then I'd hear God you have to help him repeated over and over. then not sure what else can't remember but two weeks in jail in the solitary cell since I was deemed probably psychotic or something. but about two weeks in they whoever it was woke me up at 2-3 am to interrogate me.

then after I said NO no no no they let me go back to sleep... Then the next day I began to hear them say and close a in my minds eye black circle like the cartoons do... With Beelzebub and snow white in the center and then it closed... then said if we ever come back as a threat never fully knew what or why or what it meant but it did in Nov of 2020 just after the Election and Biden won... So I think and know Cops with all their radio equipment do this to people long before 9/11. The inmates there too were like OH he wouldn't hurt a fly I heard them say behind my back then do the it's always the quiet ones.

which it's not Bull shit. IT was like these inmate people wanted me there to get to know me or something not sure but always felt that was the case the odd things I heard and felt from the things said was them that had that happen to me. Cops and inmates do the gangstalking this I know which is the same thing that they did in Georgia to that kid who just did some mass shooting thing.

The deep state is almost everyone people in all small or big towns or cities are part of the deep state they gangstalked him to do that mass shooting...

but yeah they had v2k long before 9/11!

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