Targeted Justice’s data reflects that at least two thirds of targeted individuals suffer the microwave auditory effect torture, known as voice-to-skull or V2K. Many are misdiagnosed as psychotic or schizophrenic. Most victims probably do not know that they are victims of torture instead of a mental illness.
Those of you that follow me on social media have come across my plea: “Stop listening to your V2K.”
One dear TI lashed out at me once for dispensing this advice, stating it was not an easy feat to accomplish.
I get it—and consistently honor each superhero that has endured the V2K torture perpetrated by the government criminals at the CIA, facilitated by their treacherous cohorts at the US Space Force. Yet, like a compassionate mother, my advice to ignore the V2K comes from a good place in my heart. And I want you to know what that place is.
There is a consensus in the community that the government criminals that run the unacknowledged special access targeted individual program are satanic sadists. The devil is their father, the ruler of their lives.
Hence, the satanists that program the feed for your V2K are sheer evil. They are government criminals that engage in treason and torture, both punishable with the death penalty.
Referring to the devil, Jesus said:
He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. John 8:44
If the devil is a liar, and he is the father of the satanic creatures that create the feed for your V2K, you should know better than to believe them. For one truth they throw your way, they will say a hundred lies. The one truth they tell is only a trap, a setup for the lies that follow. Do not fall for it.
Aside from the demonic nature of their incessant chatter, there are two additional reasons why you should refrain from listening to your V2K.
For one, it is the easy route to hand over mind control to the criminals. As Dr. Len Ber has explained to me, when you answer, react, or repeat what the satanic voices tell you, you effectively carry out the “handshake” the criminals need to continue entraining your brain. The less you listen and react to the voices, the less control they exert over your thought process.
The other reason to try your hardest to ignore the voices is that more often than not, repeating the absurdities they tell you makes you look mentally unstable. They want you to repeat their verbiage to make you look crazy.
Make it a habit to only express facts that you have corroborated to be true. Otherwise, you run the risk of having normies deem you anything from mentally ill to a charlatan.
Any devoted Christian should bear in mind Jesus’s words when he said:
“If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” —John 8:31-33
While it sometimes takes inordinate amounts of courage to tell the truth, it is the route Jesus urged us to follow.
Refrain from echoing your V2K. It is full of lies that, unlike truth, are set forth to enslave you and make you look unstable and unintelligent.
Take control of your freedom of thought. It’s your birthright. Make a superhuman effort to ignore the V2K!
Look into the advice that I obtained from people that successfully block the voices, contained at the end of this post where I explained the scientific basis of the technology:
The criminals are desperate, feeding you lies from everywhere in an effort to distract and shift the blame from who the real culprits are. Stay focused and do not let them mislead you.
Be proud and grateful to God that you have come such a long way.
The end of days of perpetrating torture is closer that ever.
Blessings to all.
So important Ana that you pointed this ''the satanists that program the feed for your V2K are sheer evil''. Knowing that the program originated from older ones like MKUltra (sub programs like Monarch etc. ) before they took control of these high technologies is indeed manage by satanists / dark entities is crucial. Why? Because we have to anchor our bodies, mind and spirit (soul) in a much higher force; the Divine inside of us.
Happy New Year! It's good to see you still keeping the fight. Let's hope this year is better.