Sep 12Liked by Ana Toledo

Good for you Ana, you ruined a bad actor's day.

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Sep 12Liked by Ana Toledo

they send me link to my phone through text messages! i feel like that’s how they hacked my first phone! Not anymore i will delete them and report as scam and since they haven’t been able to control my phone !

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Sep 12Liked by Ana Toledo

Thank you for this information. Thank you also for all you do to stop the horrible program .

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Sep 13Liked by Ana Toledo

💌😊 "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:17 KJV

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Sep 12Liked by Ana Toledo

Brava Ana complimenti e grazie per il tuo lavoro e per le informazioni che ci fornisci e per l'attenzione che hai per i nostri animali domestici.

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Psalm 31:4 has become one of my favorite verses: “You will pull me out of the net which they have secretly laid for me, for You are my strength.” ❤️

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Sep 13Liked by Ana Toledo

You made me laugh this morning Ana . Ana " magoo " enjoy your day and remember your the greatest!!

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7 hrs agoLiked by Ana Toledo

Amen Attorney Ana!

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Yep I get or have got several money requests form like Vemo?

I never go there to do anything. Just delete them... But kept one or two to report to the FBI but nothing done... Ulas are long but worth the read when you do download something for they most often say they will never solicit you for any info and if it's legit they will mail you something so yeah never even if it seems legit click or reply to anything especially credit card things or anything it's always a key logger to gain your computer to steal your money or info...

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Thank you once again for shielding us from these evil doers. It’s true we have to watch our every step through this mine field.

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It's hard to imagine our so called democracy can covertly do so much devastation in our lives with impunity. The system is flawed with rogue agencies wreaking havoc on lives to control and destroy. Turning communities and families upside down, manipulating the creation of crimes while denying any culpability in it. Sleep deprivation, malicious mischief, burglaries, surveillance, etc. The list could go on and on. Many thanks to Anna for all the hard work to struggle against the wicked system of injustice. Creating better awareness and knowledge is essential in this continual struggle for justice.

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Ana, your fortitude is an inspiration to all of us who have experienced terrorism from our wasteful government's hypocritical three letter agencies and their freemason cabal puppets who gangstalk for them. Their unconstitutional and illegal operations against American citizens are a major contributor to our 36 trillion dollar national debt which, ironically, is the biggest long term threat to our national security. All of these bad actors are self-serving and they only care about sucking on the current government cheese that is available. Follow the money with these war mongering idiots.

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THANK YOU, ANA for watching out for us though you are attacked even more than we are. You have more courage & fortitude than anyone I have ever known - I've said that before. What Jesus said to the Pharisees so long ago can apply to these criminals today: " You are mistaken because you don't know the Scriptures or the power of God." MT 22:29

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