Aug 17Liked by Ana Toledo


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You made us Targeted Individuals your work. You made us your life. You are the best reflection of the love of Christ Jesus on the earth. THANK YOU!!! 😊

I pray for the eternal GOD YHWH, Father, Son and Holy Spirit go before you and after you and grant you victory in Jesus Christ's name, amen.

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Aug 17·edited Aug 18Author

Amen! Thank-you!

Thanks to the Glory of God, the victory will be ours!

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If I was in America I would be there, but unfortunately I am from the UK... We have no such organisations here to speak up for the thousands who are tortured, harassed, & raped daily in their homes by these psychopathic monsters.

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Fortunately, there is still some semblance of freedom of speech in America. In the UK, things are tragically different.

Targeted Justice and I will not stop fighting for every targeted individual, not just Americans.

Stay strong!

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Aug 18Liked by Ana Toledo

You have ICATOR. But it don't matter if you can come anyhow.

I can't but I wish I could. But join Targeted Justice too if you would. One of yours in UK is one of the big heads of ICATOR. Alyson something or other look them and her up she's on LInked in.

but yeah join ICATOR at least and go if you can.

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I read on the Facebook PACTS group this morning that there is to be a protest at Downing Street on TI day.

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I dont get involved in any of that sort of thing…. I have enough shit to deal with from these assholes as it is!

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Aug 18Liked by Ana Toledo

Thanks Ana for all the hard work you do. I couldn't do that. I wouldn't know how to start with but even then I don't think I could devote all my time to what you do.

Love you and all you do.. Millions of thanks.

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Thank-you Doug. I will never stop until we are all free.

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Thank you!! We love you!!! Prayers going up, answers coming down!!! Amen!

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Thank you. Please keep up the good work.

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I was there in spirit!

Huge congrats to everyone who made it there and actively participated in the program!

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It will be next week...

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22Liked by Ana Toledo

Yes, I was so happy to see on the newsletter I hadn't missed it. Wondering how someone who is in the southern hemisphere can participate because of the timeline. Am so excited just to connect with this community after being "hunted" so aggressively I haven't been able to sit and write at a computer This is so exciting!

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We won't stop fighting with you. My mind set is no excuses. Make it happen. For us there is no catching up or making up. There's only starting over.

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Ii have a Xfinity security cameras audio and video of authority figure in our back yard saying something about these codes and then he says unhandcuff him

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When the constitution is not the judicial system in a Nation that was its birth, instead is run by the military intel Gitmo system for its domestic civilians

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Hola Ana oye creo que ya me registré pero perdí la cuenta me podrás mandar la dirección también me hackean y no puedo verla gracias

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