This is huge.
This week we learned that on December 2, 2024, attorney Mark Zaid filed a lawsuit on behalf of some of his federal employee clients for the government’s failure to grant them benefits under the HAVANA Act of 2021.
There is one male and two women plaintiffs, that allege, among other things:
The lawsuit does not seek injunctive relief to stop the attacks, nor does it contain a plea to investigate who is perpetrating them.
Among the allegations contained in the complaint is the following on behalf of Jane Doe 1, a former State Department employee:
“She continues to suffer incidents of pain that last anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour. The pain is so severe that she likens it to the pain of giving birth.”
I immediately understood that Jane Doe 1 is a targeted individual that gets raped with directed energy weapons. The reason I reached this conclusion right away, is because one of the plaintiffs in Targeted Justice v. Garland described to me how the electronic rapes perpetrated against her felt: as though the walls of her vaginal cavity were forcibly opened.
Furthermore, no one explaining something like a headache would ever compare it to the pain of “giving birth.”
I would not have connected these dots if it had not been for my client explaining this, because I do not get that kind of torture, and because I my son was born through a C-section, so I did not get to experience labor pains.
Unstoppable TRUTH.
Although Mr. Zaid understandably steers away from allegations that would promote the “fantastical” label to be thrown at him, his inclusion of these allegations are yet another bite at the elephant. His complaint documents the pain that for decades courts have deemed “fanciful.”
Your brain processes it, and your body feels it.
When discussing this with Dr. Len Ber, he explained that it is very likely that the directed energy weapon attack is not perpetrated directly in the affected area. Instead, he is of the opinion that it is possible that the government criminals replicate the brain processes of a woman giving birth to perpetrate the attack in a specific area of the brain that feels like an electronic-yet-physical rape.
“At the core of these externally induced sensory events is the phenomenon of brain entrainment, or coupling, also described as synchronization. In simple terms, electromagnetic activity of one's brain is synchronized to, and replaced by the external EM impulses aimed at the brain.
For example, when a target senses sharp pain in the foot which feels as if someone drives a nail through it (while nothing is happening with your foot), it is made possible by "playing a recording", or EM signal associated with this sensory event. Same for the feeling "being r*ped", or "giving childbirth", or any other sensory events, including emotions.”
This explains why shielding your private areas does not prevent the pain: because it is being beamed at your head.
All the women that I have interacted with that experience these atrocious sexual aggressions also suffer from voice-to-skull (microwave auditory effect) torture.
TJ only has reports of two men that get raped and also have V2K.
It seems the criminals prefer to increase the pain by speaking to the victim while they are perpetrating their violence on them.
One victim I cannot stop thinking about is a lady in Georgia that as she is getting violated, the V2K voices replicating those of children tell her: “we are not raping you, we are just stimulating you…”
Even though we did not include in TJ v Garland’s pleadings any claims regarding sexual aggressions, every victim’s story cannot be “fantastical” (as Judge Rosenthal concluded) because no normal human being could concoct such heinous events.
This is when you know that Satan runs the lives of the perpetrators running the criminal program.
They thought they would never get caught. Each day, the circle around them is closing in.
Do not make peace with evil. Destroy it.
I am genuinely interested in finding out if anyone that is the victim of electronic sexual aggressions does not have V2K. If that is your case, and would like to share your experience, please write to us at with the subject matter: Rape and V2K. Your information will not be shared with anyone outside of our tight-knit volunteer team, and only for purposes of further deciphering the satanic army’s tactics.
Did anyone get the importance of Mr. Zaid's lawsuit including allegations all too familiar to targeted individuals?
The significance of a mainstream attorney including such an allegation in an administrative review case that will delve into the DEW attacks Jane Doe is suffering within the USA?
“Your brain processes it, and your body feels it.”
While they can certainly do this, they can also create pressure waves so severe, that they give huge pains in any body cavity subjected to it.
Every TI knows about vibrations. They can create extreme versions of those in any targeted volume.
Klaudia was subjected to this type of excruciating pain in 2021 and an ambulance took her to the hospital where they found: exactly nothing.